The Resiliency Imperative – Top Strategies for Leading a Resilient Procurement Organization (Session 19)

The Resiliency Imperative – Top Strategies for Leading a Resilient Procurement Organization (Session 19)

The Resiliency Imperative continues tomorrow May 5th at 2 PM ET with an on-demand session Session 19: Top Strategies for Leading a Resilient Procurement Organization, sponsored by ScoutRFP (A Workday Company).

Before the pandemic, “resiliency” was a crucial attribute of any successful procurement team. Today, it is mission critical. During today’s challenging times, procurement executives must leverage collaborative, easy-to-use tools as a means of ensuring business continuity and supplier engagement.

Tomorrow, join Box’s Head of Strategic Sourcing and Procurement, Linda Chuan, and Ardent Partners’ Founder and Chief Research Officer, Andrew Bartolini, as they discuss not only how to ensure business continuity in uncertain times, but also how align the sourcing function for success and protect the overall future of the greater business. Linda and Andrew will also highlight strategies to drive better business outcomes via strategic supplier partnerships.

This session is designed for procurement and sourcing executives that seek to ensure resiliency into their functions through the utilization of technology and agile supplier management strategies.


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