Monday First Thing: The CPO’s Metrics that Matter in 2019 — New Webinar from Ardent Partners

Monday First Thing: The CPO’s Metrics that Matter in 2019 — New Webinar from Ardent Partners

In 2019, having access to accurate, real-time metrics is a game-changer – perhaps now more than ever. Establishing and measuring relevant metrics allows an organization to understand its “current state” while laying the groundwork for its desired “future state.” After all, if a group is unclear on where it stands today, it cannot begin to make lasting enhancements that improve tomorrow’s performance. Thus, tracking metrics enables continuous improvement programs to take hold and provides organizations with a better opportunity to set proper goals and objectives and “course correct” when achieving them is in doubt.

During our upcoming webinar, “The CPO’s Metrics that Matter in 2019” (sponsored by GEP), I will present the procurement industry’s best and most widely used metrics that can inform and educate Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) and other procurement professionals on what is happening in the market and how best to build a high-performing department.

I will also present the key strategies that Best-in-Class procurement departments are using to drive value. As a special bonus, when you register for the webinar, you will receive a free copy (no registration required) of Ardent’s upcoming Procurement Metrics that Matter in 2019 eBook delivered directly to you when it publishes later this month. Register today, and we hope to see you there!

Event Details

“The CPO’s Metrics that Matter in 2019”

Thursday, June 27th at 2:00 pm EST

Featuring Andrew Bartolini

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