November, 2010

  • Return on Assets (ROA)

    November 30, 2010

    Return on Assets (ROA)

    On the eve of the last month of our first year at CPO Rising and during a return trip home from a November vacation, it seems to be the right... Read more

  • Case Study: Payment Terms & Strategies

    November 23, 2010

    Case Study: Payment Terms & Strategies

    The healthcare company that was highlighted in this earlier article is pressed for cash, having lost millions of dollars in each of the last two years. While there is also... Read more

  • The CFO and the CPO: One World

    November 18, 2010

    The CFO and the CPO: One World

    Perhaps it is because I spent the first half of my career in finance as a consultant and banker and the second half of my career dedicated to procurement (or... Read more

  • Monday Morning Query – Should Procurement Own AP?

    November 15, 2010

    Monday Morning Query – Should Procurement Own AP?

    It’s mid-season and time to reintroduce the “MMQ” concept: during football season in the US, sports reporters, commentators, and fans wake up on Monday morning and start calling, posting, emailing,... Read more

  • Suppliers: Pay Them Now or Pay Them Later?

    November 12, 2010

    Suppliers: Pay Them Now or Pay Them Later?

    They say that “fast money makes fast friends,” but paying slow will make you friends in the finance department. As Chief Procurement Officers and their departments become more involved in... Read more

  • Free Money (Details Inside)

    November 10, 2010

    Free Money (Details Inside)

    With interest rates hovering near their all-time lows, finding a good yield on an enterprise’s cash has been all but impossible for the past few years. Things have gotten so... Read more

  • Case Study – Procurement Transformation in the Mid-market (Healthcare)

    November 8, 2010

    Case Study – Procurement Transformation in the Mid-market (Healthcare)

    Since launching Ardent Partners this summer, I have been spending a good deal of time introducing the firm to the different solution providers in the supply management space. One of... Read more

  • The Future of P2P – Networks

    November 5, 2010

    The Future of P2P – Networks

    For those that have been following this series, you’ll recall that since we had recently completed an ePayables Primer, the focus of our “Future of P2P” series has been primarily... Read more

  • The Formula

    November 3, 2010

    The Formula

    I find it interesting that Ardent Partners’ recently published research report, Sourcing in the 2010s: The Formula for Success (registration required), is, at its core, a report about spend analysis.... Read more

  • Monday Morning Query – Can Sourcing be Strategic Without the “e?”

    November 1, 2010

    Monday Morning Query – Can Sourcing be Strategic Without the “e?”

    MMQ – Can sourcing be strategic without the “e?” The Context In this day and age, can a sourcing process that eschews process automation be considered a truly strategic process?... Read more