Monday Morning Query: Why Aren’t There More RFIs?

Monday Morning Query: Why Aren’t There More RFIs?

The Context

Information. We all need it. We all want it. We all use it. It’s so helpful when it’s timely, accurate, and comprehensive – even if it’s never quite perfect. Today’s query is an extension of the article last week that talked about the importance of supplier discovery in the era of rapidly changing market dynamics, innovation, and globalization. How timely, accurate, and comprehensive is your supply market information? If it could be improved, then –

MMQ: Why Aren’t There More RFIs?

Particularly with enterprises that have an eSourcing solution where RFI templates can be reused and information can be quickly viewed and shared by key stakeholders.

  • Is it because we’re not really interested in moving contracts from incumbents?
  • Do we dread the aggressive sales tactics from a few suppliers that an RFI may trigger?
  • Do we think an RFI is too much effort and hassle?
  • Do we feel that our supply market knowledge/information is excellent?

I wonder how many enterprises have good RFI templates… So, here is my Request for Information from you:

If you have a good generic RFI template that you can share (it can be anonymous or attributed), please email it to me at abartolini at cporising dot com (or post it as a comment here) and I’ll see if I can aggregate what I receive and share it in a future article.



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