Ardent Partners – Open for Business (Summer Version)

Ardent Partners – Open for Business (Summer Version)

July 14 is a day of revolution for one proud nation. As I write this article, I am in the town where many Patriots awoke 234 years ago, rode a few miles down the road, and fired a collective shot heard round the world which set in motion the revolution for this proud nation.

For me, this July 14 is a day of personal and professional revolution as we proudly announce that Ardent Partners is open for business. Like other revolutions or revolutionaries, we are trying to change the world, at least the part of it that focuses on supply management, our world. Unlike other revolutions, this one will be televised; and occasionally, it will have a soundtrack.

I welcome your comments and feedback.

A quick introduction to Ardent Partners

Ardent Partners is a research and advisory firm focused on defining, advancing, and promoting the supply management strategies, processes, and technologies that drive business value and accelerate organizational transformation within the enterprise –

Our Mission is to be the preeminent source of supply management expertise and thought leadership for solution providers and practitioners.

Our Goals:
(1) Help clients improve performance by making smart decisions. For example: help enterprises improve and accelerate returns on technology investments and help solution providers increase their sales, awareness, and reach
(2) Produce progressive research with a global impact
(3) Construct the vision for the next generation of procurement (and accounts payable) departments and the solutions that support them

Our Services:
For solutions providers can be found here.
For enterprises can be found here.

Next Steps:
For those that have an interest in tracking our research and receiving exclusive access and discounts to it, I invite you to register for our newsletter (free registration) on Ardent’s site here.

While we will share more details in the formal announcement of the firm that will accompany the release of Ardent’s first research series this Fall, we are ready to engage, ready to discuss, and ready to share.

Over the next few weeks we hope to engage with clients, prospects, friends, and as many supply management professionals as we possibly can and share Ardent’s strategy and approach in much greater detail. I hope to hear from you.

Andrew Bartolini
Managing Partner & Chief Research Officer
Ardent Partners
abartolini (at) ardentpartners (dot) com

One final note, CPO Rising will continue unchanged and unabated, discussing the topics that matter most to CPOs and other supply management leaders. We thank you for your continued support.



  1. Dykes Blackmon

    Congratulations Andrew! I know this has been a long time coming and I wish you great success!

    Best regards,

    Dykes Blackmon

  2. Analyst Ecosystem News – Ardent Partners launched as a research and advisory firm providing supply management expertise and thought leadership for solution providers and practitioners.

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