For more than a decade, Ardent’s analyst team has tracked the progression and evolution of the contingent workforce, from its significance as a complex spend category to the burgeoning business force that it is today. Ardent Partners is excited to announce that the online research survey for our annual State of Contingent Workforce Management is now live (click here to participate).

In exchange for 15 minutes of your time, all survey participants will receive a complimentary edition of the new report upon publication in October. And, the first 100 survey participants will be invited to an exclusive early findings webinar hosted by Ardent and featuring a “sneak peek” of the findings from the new report.

This annual State of Contingent Workforce Management research report has become the de-facto “guidebook” within the non-employee workforce industry, helping to illuminate current market trends, identify Best-in-Class strategies for the year ahead, and educating the business world on the greater impact of the “gig economy” and the “future of work.”

The new State of Contingent Workforce Management research study will tackle the following issues:

  • How the “gig economy” will continue to impact the business world.
  • The technologies and solutions that are shaping contingent workforce management innovation.
  • What the “future of work” actually means to today’s business professionals.
  • The Best-in-Class strategies, capabilities, and competencies that will drive value in 2017, and;
  • How today’s organizations can better shape their talent engagement strategies to complement the market’s biggest dynamics, such as millennials, “on-demand” talent, and online staffing.

Click here to participate in this new research study!


The Real Impact of the Non-Employee Workforce and the Gig Economy

The Future of Work Is Here (Part I)

Contingent Workforce Myths…Debunked

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